How to brew beer by myself?
Although beer brewing history has been around for thousands of years, the basic technology has stayed the same. This article will tell you what home brewing equipment you need and walk you through the basic steps to brew an American amber jar. It's time, as Charlie Papazian, the brewer's godfather, said: "Relax, don't worry, have a cup of brewing beer."
To make good beer, you will not need too much. There are only four types: hops, grain (and / or malt extract), yeast, and water. Let’s look at each one individually.
Hops are the flowers of Humulus lupulus and belong to the cannabis family. The main uses in beer are bitters, flavoring agents and stabilizers. In addition to bitterness, there is aroma. Fruit-scented flowers are also used in other drinks and herbs. The female and male plants of beer flowers. Only female flowers can be used as fermented hops. Different types of hops are found all over the world, and different hops can be used in the production of different beers.
History books say the use of hops was recorded in the 9th century, although it is not cited as the earliest recorded source until 300 years later. Previously, winemakers used a variety of bitter plants and flowers. Hops are used in brewing because they kill bacteria while balancing the aroma and bitterness of malt. Historically, traditional brewing herbs were abandoned when hops were found to be more effective.
Even if you use malt extract to brew beer, using a small amount of so-called "special grains" can help your beer add flavor, aroma, color and body. Buying grains from famous home brewing stores, such as Home Brewing Adventure, will help ensure that the grains you get are fresh and properly stored.
The grains used to brew beer must first be ground. If you have a grinder or other method of grinding grain, you can make it at home, or you can make it at a homemade brewery (or let someone else do it). Ground grains should be used as soon as possible, while unground grains can be stored for up to four months.
Although you brew your beer with wort, adding small amounts of grains like special malted rice can help add flavor, aroma, color and body to your beer.
The malt is ground before brewing. The ground malt needs to be used as soon as possible to avoid oxidation. Ungrated can last up to four months.
Beer was thousands of years old before brewers really understood yeast. Like malt, yeast can be dried or liquid. Dry yeast was once considered poor quality. But a lot of beers these days are made with dry yeast.
Both dry and liquid yeasts have pros and cons. Dry yeast is easy to store, has a long shelf life and does not require much preparation to use. Liquid yeasts come in many varieties, but have a short shelf life and require careful handling. No matter what kind of beer it is, you can get high-quality beer.
Water is very important in brewing beer. Because in beer content, more than 90 percent is water. Therefore, the requirement for brewing water is clean and odorless, such as the presence of chloride ions. Other factors are the hardness and PH of the water. Medium hard, slightly alkaline water is the best brewing water. If necessary, the water needs to be softened
Make your beer
We have discussed the equipment and main ingredients needed to make beer.
You could read all the instructions before you start to brew beer, so you can make sure you already have everything you need (equipment, ingredients) on hand. Besides that, you fully understand the whole beer brew process.
Cleaning and purification
Thoroughly clean and disinfect your brewing equipment and the device that you need to use.
Steep your grain
First fill your tank with hot water. Add crushed specialty grains into tank.
Start cooking the tank
Bring the wort to a boil, but do not boil it. Once boiling, remove the burner.
Now add:
Pale LME
Saaz hops
Stir the wort continuously in order to dissolve the ingredients in the wort. A steady, constant stirring will keep the wort from burning.
Add fragrant hops
Wort to boil for 55 minutes, then add:
Saaz hops
Scented flowers, because you've only cooked them for five minutes, they don't add any bitterness, they add aroma to the beer.
Cool wort
Boiling for 60 minutes is enough, at which point we need to quickly cool the wort to less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Transfer the wort to the fermenter
Siphon the chilled wort to fermentation vessel and then pour cold water onto the top of the fermenter.
Determine your original gravity
Now you can use a hydrometer to measure the original gravity of wort, which also indicates the fermentable sugars present today. You need to write down the number this time, because you'll need it later. Which final gravity data is used to calculate alcohol (ABV)?
From the yeast
Now, it's time to add yeast to the wort, which consumes sugar and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide during fermentation.
After fermentation, the fermenter is closed and the mechanical pressure regulator is filled with water.
Let the wort ferment
Place the fermenter in a temperature-stable space. Within 24 to 48 hours, you'll see co2 start to spill out of the valve. It usually takes a week or two to ferment, during which time you don't do anything to interfere with the fermentation process. Some winemakers make a secondary fermentation after a week of fermentation. At this point the wort is siphoned into another fermentation vessel, such as a glass bottle, and left to ferment naturally for a week or two. This step is optional, but it will help the resulting beer be clearer and have fewer impurities when you fill the bottle or cask.
The difference with commercial brew
For thousands of years, We enjoyed the wonderful magic of brewing beer fermenting process. During this time, two main types of brewing emerged, and their different brewing forms are known, industrial beer and craft beer. What makes these two different beers exist?
Cost and efficiency!
Industrial beer is produced on a large scale and it is impossible to ensure the quality of each beer. Some industrial beer processes require the addition of many ingredients, such as glucose and other syrups, to simplify the process. In the process, a lot of water is added and the beer is diluted, so the flavor is much milder than craft beer.
Quality and taste, natural!
Most people would agree that the taste of commercial beer is nothing compared to that of its taste-packaged rival, craft beer.
Craft beers are crafted using fresh, local ingredients. Craft winemakers tend to focus on quality, using high-quality malts and looking for the perfect hop to enhance the taste. In craft brewing, quality is the soul, and every batch is produced to perfection. Craft beers have a stronger flavor and higher alcohol content.
For us, the unique thing about craft beer is that we get to meet the people who make it. Because every craft brewery has its own unique brewing process and ingredients, you won't see the same two beers.